

Our proprietary H&E staining solution and IHC formulas have been optimized to produce ultra-clear tissue slides and digital slide images.

Direct Immunofluorescence

DIF testing illuminates protein buildups and allows our providers to diagnose a range of tricky skin conditions, including autoimmune bullous diseases, connective tissue disorders and vasculitis.

Polymerase Chain Reaction

PCR testing identifies multiple types of fungi in a nail specimen, streamlining PAS staining and nail culture into one, single test.

Slide Preparation

CTA Pathology’s laboratory partners with providers to complete the technical component and IHC staining, effectively preparing dermatologists and pathologists alike to read the case.

Dermatopathology Coverage

CTA Pathology offers dermatopathology coverage tailored to fit your practice. Please call us to discuss your practice’s coverage needs.

Oral Pathology Services

In addition to our team of dermatopathologists, CTA Pathology has two oral pathologists on staff, allowing us to offer oral pathology services in Oregon and Washington state.